javascript - Ext GroupingView is not working simply listing the rows without grouping -

i trying use ext groupingview listing rows without grouping code groupingstore:

 //......................................................// _store = new{     autodestroy: true,     proxy: new{ items: [] }),     remotesort: true,     grouponsort: true,       sortinfo: {       field: 'xxxexamprofg',       direction: "asc"   },   groupfield: 'xxxexamprofg',                 reader: new yyy.xxxexamdetjsonreader() });  _gridpanel = new yyy.xxxexamdetgridpanel(ext.copyto({     id: + '-gridpaneld',     store: _store, }, _this.initialconfig, []));  ext.apply(_this, {     onrender: function(ct, position) {, ct, position);         _this.wrap = _this.el.wrap({ cls: 'x-form-field-wrap' });         _this.resizeel = _this.positionel = _this.wrap;         _gridpanel.render(_this.wrap);     },     //......................................................//     setvalue: function(v) {         _gridpanel.getstore() = v;         _gridpanel.getstore().load();         return yyy.xxxexamdetlistfield.superclass.setvalue.apply(_this, arguments);     },     getvalue: function() {         return _gridpanel.getstore();     } }); 

and code gridpanel:

yyy.xxxexamdetgridpanel = ext.extend(ext.grid.gridpanel, {     border: false,     initcomponent: function() {         this.colmodel = new ext.grid.columnmodel({         defaults: { width: 100, sortable: true },         view: new ext.grid.groupingview({             forcefit: true,             // custom grouping text template display number of items per group             grouptexttpl: '{text} ({[]} {[ > 1 ? "items" : "item"]})'         }),             columns: [                 { dataindex: 'fservice', header: 'exam code', xtype: 'gridcolumn' },                 { dataindex: 'xxxexamprofgdescr', header: 'xxxexamprofgdescr', xtype: 'gridcolumn' },                 { dataindex: 'xxxexamprofg', header: 'xxxexamprofg', xtype: 'gridcolumn' },                 { dataindex: 'fedate', header: 'date', xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'd/m/y' }             ]         });         yyy.xxxgridpanel.superclass.initcomponent.apply(this, arguments);     } //initcomponent });  ext.reg('yyy.xxxexamdetgridpanel', yyy.xxxdetgridpanel); 

i trying figure out why listing rows without group them or way debug ?

you have placed groupingview inside columnmodel. instead should assign this.view assign columnmodel this.colmodel.

this example of why indentation matters - mistake have been clear bit experienced.


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