Socket Programing By C# in -

is possible write socket c# in ? example can write code perl code in c# , ? :

> use http::request::common qw(post); > use lwp::useragent; $ua = new > lwp::useragent(agent => 'mozilla/5.0(windows; u; windows nt 5.1; en-us; rv: firefox/');  > $ua -> timeout(20); > $req = post '', > [ login_username => 'mehdi' , login22 => '654321' , go => 'submit'];  > $content = $ua->request($req); 

please give me example or convert above code c# , . in advance .

yes, achieve same functionality in .net using webclient class:

class program {     static void main()     {         using (var client = new webclient())         {             client.headers[httprequestheader.useragent] = "mozilla/5.0(windows; u; windows nt 5.1; en-us; rv: firefox/";             var values = new namevaluecollection             {                 { "login_username", "mehdi" },                 { "login22", "654321" },                 { "go", "submit" }             };             var result = client.uploadvalues("", values);              // todo: handle result here             console.writeline(encoding.default.getstring(result));         }     } } 


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