C pointers, what am i doing wrong? -

i have no compilation errors, crashes on run-time, that's relevant code, first it's structs:

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h>  struct gas_station *pgasstationhead = null; typedef struct gas_station {    char *name;    double octan95ss;  double octan95fs;  double octan98ss;  double octan98fs;  double gassoldtotal;  double gassoldss;  double gassoldfs;  struct gas_station *pgasstationnext;  struct client_list *pclienthead; } station;  typedef struct client_list {    char carid[10];  char gastype[3];    double gasamount;  char servicetype[12];  struct client_list *pclientnext; } client; 

and after problematic area:

void commandsswitch(file *input , file *output) {    {    int i;    char *ptemp , *pfuncnum, *pcarid, *pstationname;    ptemp = fgets(ptemp , 80 , input);    if (ptemp[0] != '#') {     pfuncnum = strtok(ptemp , ",");     = (int)pfuncnum[0];     switch (i)     {      case 1:      howmuchgasperstation(output);      break;       case 2 :      pstationname = strtok(pstationname , ",");      averagegasinspecieficstation(output , pstationname);      break;       case 3 :      howmuchgasinallstations(output);      break;       case 4 :      howmuchgasfsinallstations(output);      break;       case 5 :      pcarid = strtok(ptemp , ",");      howmuchgassoldbycarid(output , pcarid);      break;      case 6 :      pcarid = strtok(ptemp , ",");      pstationname = strtok(pstationname , ",");      howmuchgassoldbystationpercarid(output , pcarid , pstationname);      break;      case 7 :      pcarid = strtok(ptemp , ",");      stationswithclientbycarid(output , pcarid);      break;      case 8 :      pcarid = strtok(ptemp , ",");      pstationname = strtok(pstationname , ",");      howmuchclientspentbystation(output , pcarid , pstationname);      break;      case 9 :      pcarid = strtok(ptemp , ",");      howmuchclientspentintotalbycarid(output , pcarid);      break;       case 10 :      pstationname = strtok(pstationname , ",");      clientdetailsbyspecieficstation(output , pstationname);      break;     }    }   }while(!feof(input));    fclose(input);  fclose(output); }  int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {  int i;  file *f , *input , *output;  (i = 2; < argc; i++) {   f = fopen(argv[i] , "r");   if (f == null) {    error("can't open file, might not exists");   }   else {    addstation(f);    fclose(f);   }   }  if (argv[1] != null) {   input = fopen(argv[1] , "r");   if (input == null) {    error("can't open file, might not exists");   }  }   output = fopen("result.txt" , "w");  if (output == null) {    error("can't open file");  }  commandsswitch(input , output);  return 0; }` 

in commandswitch function call stack points *ptemp, saying can't use because didnt intialized or something... doing wrong?!

your ptemp variable pointer not initialized. use malloc allocate appropriate space or define array, instead.


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