html - css class not being displayed properly in auto scroll div -

i have overflow div on jquery modal dialog.

                    <div style="overflow: auto; height: 300px; width: 780px;">                         <fieldset>                             <br />                             <asp:textbox id="txtnote" runat="server" cssclass="notetext" width="740px" rows="6"                                 textmode="multiline" bordercolor="#cccccc" borderstyle="solid" borderwidth="1px" />                             <br />                             &nbsp;                         </fieldset>                             <div id="notes">                                 <%                                     dim note new note()                                     response.write(note.shownotes(val(txtref.text)))                                 %>                                                       </div>                         </div> 

some of put in between overflow appearing ok , moves , down scrollbar.

other text within css class not move , down scrollbar. it's if it's not part of div?

it work in firefox intended not ie (as usual!)

any ideas?

anything put in "p class='triangle-right'> appearing if not part of div, , it's ot scrolling & down.

.triangle-right {     position:relative;     padding:5px;     /*margin:1em 0 1.5em;*/     margin:1.5em 0em 1.5em;     color:#000000;     background:#ffffff; /* default background browsers without gradient support */     width:730px;     border:1px solid #dddddd;     line-height:1.4em;       /* css3 */     -moz-border-radius:10px;     -webkit-border-radius:10px; }  /* creates larger triangle */ .triangle-right:before {     content:"\00a0";     display:block; /* reduce damage in ff3.0 */     position:absolute;     bottom:-40px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */     left:40px; /* controls horizontal position */     width:0;     height:0;     border:20px solid transparent;     border-top-color:#aaaaaa; }  .triangle-right:after {     content:"\00a0";     display:block; /* reduce damage in ff3.0 */     position:absolute;     bottom:-40px; /* value = - border-top-width - border-bottom-width */     left:39px; /* controls horizontal position */     width:0;     height:0;     border:21px solid transparent;     border-top-color:#ffffff; }   

i've hack-fixed in past with

.overflow-div * {     position: relative; } 

however, problem related positioning of child elements. make sure .triangle-right's parent has position relative.

i recommend starting scratch styles , making sure positioning works before adding else. i've found obscure issues way.


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