iphone - Bytes to KiloBytes -

i retrieving size of files in document directory. using method attributesofitematpath so. successful. getting output in form of bytes , of class nsnumber. does'nt good.

so, need output in kbs or mbs , have convert them nsstring in order store in nsdictionary have display in tableview. please me so. thank you.

here code..

directorycontent = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     (nsstring *path in paths){ filesdictionary  =[[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; filessize = [[nsnumber alloc] init];  filessize = [filesdictionary objectforkey:nsfilesize]; filesdictionary = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:filessize, @"filessize", nil]; [directorycontent addobject:[filesdictionary copy]]; } 

and using following code bind size in tableview not working.

cell.lblsize.text = (nsstring *) [[directorycontent objectatindex:listindex] objectforkey:@"filessize"]; 

help me convert size of file byte kilobyte , display in tableview. thank in advance..

rounded nearest kb:

nsnumber *filesize = [[directorycontent objectatindex:listindex]                       objectforkey:@"filesize"]; cell.lblsize.text = [nsstring stringwithformat: @"%d",                      (int)round([filesize doublevalue] / 1024]); 


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