groovy - how do I make sure a function does not return Null -

i'm trying parse xml request in soapui. , when parse node without in it, logically string null if defining func() returns null:

def groovyutils = new context ) def request = groovyutils.getxmlholder( mockrequest.requestcontent )     def argumentstring = request.getnodevalue("/soap:envelope/soap:body[1]/emm:runapplication[1]/emm:argument[1]") 

now tried doing this:

try{argumentstring.length()}catch(e){argumentsstring = " "} 

but kills process after correction, , doesn't quite give want. can't use simple if(func()!=null) i'm used in java? how can this? help!

you can test null values ...:
argumentstring = (argumentstring != null) ? argumentstring : " "

btw, argumentstring?.length(), length() evaluated if argumentstring isn't null.


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