Facebook C# SDK cannot resolve FB Login -

i'm developing mvc-2 application facebook c# sdk , facebook stopped respond login requests. after research, i've managed working putting 'localhost' in 'site domain' field in facebook application settings.

now, login through facebook javascript sdk seems working alright, facebook c# sdk returns facebookapp.session value null. sure issue not because of configuration or development mistakes, i've tried sample application facebook c# sdk website, no luck.

any suggestions on issue?


did start sample application? if start should work out of box. guessing have cookie support set false in web.config setting. http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/releases/view/54371#downloadid=160969 web.config file should this:

  <configsections>     <section name="facebooksettings" type="facebook.facebookconfigurationsection"/>    </configsections>    <facebooksettings         apikey="your_api_key"          apisecret="your_api_secret"          appid="your_app_id"          cookiesupport="true" /> 

also, make sure using released version , not latest source code. source code not production use , has bugs make hard learn toolkit.


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