hibernate - Gorm returned value type -

i have object foo hasmany association bar object

class foo {  string value  static hasmany = [   bars: bar  ] }  class bar {  string value } 

when try follwing

def foo = foo.find("from foo f f.value=:value",[value:value]) 

the type of returned value foo foo, while when this

def foo = foo.find("from foo f left join f.bars b b.value=:value",[value:value]) 

the type object

can explain me why ?

thx, ken.

because second query selects properties of not foo bar. if println foo, output second foo this:

[foo : 3, bar : 2] 

if add loggingsql = true datasource definition, hibernate output actual sql it's using stdout - like:

select     foo0_.id id0_0_,     bar2_.id id2_1_,     foo0_.version version0_0_,     foo0_.value value0_0_,     bar2_.version version2_1_,     bar2_.value value2_1_      foo foo0_  left outer join     foo_bar bars1_          on foo0_.id=bars1_.foo_bars_id  left outer join     bar bar2_          on bars1_.bar_id=bar2_.id      bar2_.value=? 

ok. how avoid returning bar query? - don't have solution.

i'd vote using select clause hql, in practice of syntaxes produce error in gorm. may possible solve using hibernate criteria, don't know how.

so, start, might want state:

def foobar = foo.find("from foo f left join f.bars b b.value=:value",    [value:value]) def foo = foobar[0] assert foo instanceof foo 

edit: note one-to-one associations "dotty" syntax can used, i.e.,

from foo foo foo.baz.value=:value 


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