objective c - How can I fade out an AVAudioPlayer on a background thread? -

i have audio file needs fade out while user scrolling uiscrollview. however, performselector:withobject:afterdelay: method blocked until user has stopped scrolling. have tried create code perform fadeout on thread:

- (void)fadeout {     [nsthread detachnewthreadselector:@selector(fadeoutinbackground:) totarget:self withobject:self.audioplayer]; }  - (void)fadeoutinbackground:(avaudioplayer *)aplayer {     nsautoreleasepool *mypool = [[nsautoreleasepool alloc] init];     [self performselector:@selector(fadevolumedown:) withobject:aplayer afterdelay:0.1];      [mypool release]; }  - (void)fadevolumedown:(avaudioplayer *)aplayer {     aplayer.volume = aplayer.volume - 0.1;     if (aplayer.volume < 0.1) {         [aplayer stop];              } else {         [self performselector:@selector(fadevolumedown:) withobject:aplayer afterdelay:0.1];       } } 

it gets far performselector, no further because guess it's trying perform on thread has no access to. can't change performselector:onthread:withobject:waituntildone: because there no delay option.

any ideas? why have made hard fade out sound? moan


i resolved similar issue scheduling selector in different run loop mode default one. way not interfering scrolling events. using nsrunloopcommonmodes worked me:

[self performselector:@selector(fadevolumedown:)             withobject:aplayer            afterdelay:0.1                inmodes:[nsarray arraywithobject: nsrunloopcommonmodes]]; 


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