Xpath expression for getting an attribute value fails in Java -

i trying attribute value xml file, code fails exception below:

11-15 16:34:42.270: debug/xpathutil(403): exception = javax.xml.xpath.xpathexpressionexception: javax.xml.transform.transformerexception: illegal tokens: '@', 'source'

here code use node list:

private static final string xpath_source = "array/extconsumer@source"; mdocument = xpathutils.createxpathdocument(xml);  nodelist fullnamenodelist = xpathutils.getnodelist(mdocument,                 xpath_fullname); 

and here xpathutils class:

public class xpathutils {      private static xpath xpath = xpathfactory.newinstance().newxpath();     private static string tag = "xpathutil";      public static document createxpathdocument(string xml) {         try {              log.d(tag , "about create document builder factory");             documentbuilderfactory docfactory = documentbuilderfactory                     .newinstance();             log.d(tag , "about create document builder ");             documentbuilder builder = docfactory.newdocumentbuilder();              log.d(tag , "about create document parsing xml string is: ");              log.d(tag ,xml );             document document = builder.parse(new inputsource(                     new stringreader(xml)));              log.d(tag , "if see message everythings fine ");              return document;         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();             log.d(tag , "exception occured here " + e.tostring());             return null;         }     }      public static nodelist getnodelist(document doc, string expr) {         try {             log.d(tag , "inside getnodelist");             xpathexpression pathexpr = xpath.compile(expr);             return (nodelist) pathexpr.evaluate(doc, xpathconstants.nodeset);         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();             log.d(tag, "exception = " + e.tostring());         }         return null;     }      // extracts string value given expression     public static string getnodevalue(node n, string expr) {         try {             log.d(tag , "inside getnodevalue");             xpathexpression pathexpr = xpath.compile(expr);             return (string) pathexpr.evaluate(n, xpathconstants.string);         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return null;     } 

i exception thrown in getnodelist method.

now, according http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp, attribute value, use "@" sign. reason, java complaining symbol.



as xpath expression. selects source attribute of extconsumer element.


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