c# 4.0 - Need a way to get the version # used by the msi installer at run time in c#, without knowing the location of the msi file used to install -

i'm developing scheme automatically update program central point. assist me in need way version # of msi file used install progarm @ runtime, can compare installed version latest version on server (already solved part) , decide whether or not update. clear, have way of opening msi files using msi.dll , getting version # out. problem 1 of bootstrapping. if user installs program first time, how can program know find msi file (on client)?

the solution can simple msi creating text file version # in when runs. i'd avoid querying registry if can.

if can't figure out i'm going have take special care keep version #'s same in gui project , msi installer, , thought annoys me.

any thoughts?

i assume want productversion property of msi.

you can using com.

add com reference "microsoft windows installer object library" c# project.

then try following program:

namespace testcs {     using system;     using windowsinstaller;      internal class test     {         private static void main(string[] args)         {             if (args.length < 1)             {                 return;             }              console.writeline(getmsiversion(args[0]));         }          private static string getmsiversion(string installerpath)         {             type t = type.gettypefromprogid("windowsinstaller.installer");             installer inst = (installer)activator.createinstance(t);             database d = inst.opendatabase(                 installerpath,                  msiopendatabasemode.msiopendatabasemodereadonly);             view v = d.openview(                 "select * property property = 'productversion'");             v.execute(null);             record r = v.fetch();             string result = r.get_stringdata(2);             return result;         }     } } 


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