xcode - How to define end in objective C -

osstatus setupbuffers(bg_fileinfo *infileinfo) { int numbufferstoqueue = knumberbuffers; uint32 maxpacketsize; uint32 size = sizeof(maxpacketsize); // need calculate how many packets read @ time, , how big buffer need // base on size of packets in file , approximate duration      each buffer  // first check see max size of packet - if bigger // our allocation default size, needs become larger osstatus result = audiofilegetproperty(infileinfo->mafid,   kaudiofilepropertypacketsizeupperbound, &size, &maxpacketsize); assertnoerror("error getting packet upper bound size", end); bool isformatvbr = (infileinfo->mfileformat.mbytesperpacket == 0 || infileinfo-   >mfileformat.mframesperpacket == 0);  calculatebytesfortime(infileinfo->mfileformat, maxpacketsize, 0.5/*seconds*/,  &mbufferbytesize, &mnumpacketstoread);  // if file smaller capacity of buffer queues, load @  once if ((mbufferbytesize * numbufferstoqueue) > infileinfo->mfiledatasize) infileinfo->mloadatonce = true;  if (infileinfo->mloadatonce) { uint64 thefilenumpackets; size = sizeof(uint64); result = audiofilegetproperty(infileinfo->mafid, kaudiofilepropertyaudiodatapacketcount,   &size, &thefilenumpackets);        assertnoerror("error getting packet count file", end);***>>>>this xcode says undefined<<<<***        mnumpacketstoread = (uint32)thefilenumpackets;       mbufferbytesize = infileinfo->mfiledatasize;       numbufferstoqueue = 1;    }  

//here exact error

label 'end' used not defined have error twice

uhm, place can find assertnoerror here in technical note tn2113. , has different format. assertnoerror(theerror, "couldn't unregister abl"); assertnoerror defined?

user @jeremy p mentions this document well.


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