javascript - jQuery: How can I loop over a set of elements finding only those matching the values within another array? -

i've got little function called finditem() supposed finding elements i'm looking based on custom data- attributes on element.

in case these purely numerical eg. data-slide=1.

i'm bit clueless how match value of each item's data-slide 1 contained within other array.

here more concrete example:

function finditem(count) {     var collection = [];      $.each(allmyliitems, function(i, item) {          if ( $(item).data('slide') == count ) {              collection.push(item);         }      });      return $(collection); } finditem([1,3]) 

which not work because count inside if statement not seem match anything.

the page contain 4 <li data-slide="{number}">… elements 1,3 should return first , third of elements.

what doing wrong here?

use jquery.grep , jquery.inarray:

function finditem(items) {     return jquery.grep($('li'), function(element, index) {         return jquery.inarray($(element).data('slide'), items) != -1;     }); } 

working example


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