java - Is there a way of having something like jUnit Assert message argument in Mockito's verify method? -

let's assume snippet of testing code:

observable model = class.forname(fullyqualifiedmethodname).newinstance(); observer view = mockito.mock(observer.class); model.addobserver(view); (method method : class.forname(fullyqualifiedmethodname).getdeclaredmethods()) {   method.invoke(model, composeparams(method));   model.notifyobservers();   mockito.verify(     view, mockito.atleastonce()   ).update(mockito.<observable>any(), mockito.<object>any()); } 

mockito.verify method throws exception if method in model hasn't invoked observable.setchanged() method.

problem: without adding loggers/system.print.out can't realize what's current method has failed test. there way of having similar junit assert methods:

assert.assertequals(   string.format("instances %s, %s should equal", inst1, inst2),   inst1.getparam(),    inst2.getparam() ); 


verify(observer, new verificationmode() {   @override   public void verify(verificationdata data)   {     asserttrue(         format(             "method %s doesn't call observable#setchanged() after changing state of model",             method.tostring()         ),         data.getallinvocations().size() > 0);   } }).update(mockito.<observable>any(), mockito.<object>any()); 

this trick (simple , clear):

try {  verify(mymockedobject, times(1)).dosomthing(); } catch (mockitoassertionerror e) {     throw new mockitoassertionerror("was expecting call mymockedobject.dosomthing got "+ e.getmessage()); } 


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