How to call Rest Webservice in iPhone using the following details -

i have url supports rest webservice

https://xxx.yyy.zzz/abc/xyz.svc (added masking)

the following operations supported:






the following options supported:

$top (-1 get’s records)


$filter (only ‘eq’ , ‘and’ operators supported)

now need test above operation in iphone. simple soap request creat nsurlrequest , set parameters , here things confusing, dont know how use these above operations , options.

if know info please share


ok got know myself,

the operations get, create , update , getlist supported server can used following way


here can replaced create, update , getlist.

this url need used in nsurlconnection no header fields. may response xml/json needs parsed.

now options

https://xxx.yyy.zzz/abc/xyz.svc/get()?$filter=spras eq 'd' , land1 eq 'ai'

here using $filter option , get becomes get()

i still not sure on spras , land1, still working on this, share more info once complete implementation.

if others have more info please share.

this link provides great place start. select public odata services , check out examples , observe link after create query.



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