iphone - ExitFullScreen button causes problems with MPMoviePlayerViewController and presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated -

here situation :

i call local movie url. function in custom viewcontroller

in .h :

mpmovieplayerviewcontroller* modalvideocontroller 

in .m

-(void)startvideoad:(nsnotification*)notification {   nsurl* url = (nsurl*)[notification object];  

// no problem url ... check :)

  modalvideocontroller = [[mpmovieplayerviewcontroller alloc] initwithcontenturl:url];   [modalvideocontroller shouldautorotatetointerfaceorientation:yes];   [self presentmovieplayerviewcontrolleranimated:modalvideocontroller];    [modalvideocontroller release]; } 

problem : if user hit enter/exit fullscreen button (the double arrow button @ right of fastfoward button in video button panel), modalviewcontroller normaly disappear video still playing , no images sounds.

is there way kill video after button pressed ?


-(void)viewdidappear:(bool)animated {     [super viewdidappear:animated];     // avoid exitfullscreen button problem on fullscreen mode     if(modalvideocontroller != nil)     {         [modalvideocontroller.movieplayer stop];     }    } 

this way stop correctly movie. last details: modalvideocontroller became global.


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