c - How to add GtkExpander to GtkScrolledWindow? -

i have code this:

gtkwidget *scrollwin;  void appenddatatowindow(gtkwidget *widget, gpointer data) {     gtkwidget *expander;     expander = gtk_expander_new("get somepage.html  200 ok   100k");     gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(gtk_scrolled_window(scrollwin),                                            expander); }  int main() {     // initialize window     // add vbox window     scrollwin = gtk_scrolled_window_new(null, null);     gtk_box_pack_start(gtk_box(vbox), scrollwin, false, true, 5);     // add button vbox     // when button clicked, appenddatatowindow called      gtk_widget_show_all(window);     gtk_main();     return 0; } 

what want when button clicked, new gtkexpander added scrolled window, doesn't work.. suggestions helpful.

maybe you're missing gtk_widget_show() calls


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