javascript - Get modified column ordering for Extjs GridPanel -

as part of gridpanel functionality after rendering gridpanel can modify columns ordering click drag. example present column ordering first name | last name. can click drag first name , put after last name i.e last name | first name.

now requirement want save modified order of column. i.e want save format change have made. extjs functionality provide me modified ordering of column.

by tejas,

visit mobedio,the public opinion platform political domain.

take @ gridpanel's stateevent, stateid, , stateful config options in api documentation.

concerning stateful:

a stateful component attempts save state when 1 of events listed in stateevents configuration fires.

stateevents gridpanel defaults stateevents: ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange'], use case handled automatically 'columnmove'. keep in mind you'll have set few config options work, including state provider (most of details can found in 'stateful' documentation).


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