python: how to get a subset of dict -

i have dict has many elements, want write function can return elements in given index range(treat dict array):

get_range(dict, begin, end):     return {a new dict indexes between begin , end} 

how can done?

edit: not asking using key filter... eg)

{"a":"b", "c":"d", "e":"f"}  get_range(dict, 0, 1) returns {"a":"b", "c":"d"} (the first 2 elements) 

i don't care sorting... implementing server side paging...

edit: dictionary not ordered. impossible make get_range return same slice whenever have modified dictionary. if need deterministic result, replace dict with collections.ordereddict.

anyway, slice using itertools.islice:

import itertools def get_range(dictionary, begin, end):   return dict(itertools.islice(dictionary.iteritems(), begin, end+1))  

the previous answer filters key kept below:

with @douglas' algorithm, simplify using generator expression:

def get_range(dictionary, begin, end):   return dict((k, v) k, v in dictionary.iteritems() if begin <= k <= end) 

btw, don't use dict variable name, can see here dict constructor of dictionary.

if using python 3.x, use dictionary comprehension directly.

def get_range(dictionary, begin, end):   return {k: v k, v in dictionary.items() if begin <= k <= end} 


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