intermediate language - .NET IL Property setter -
consider class:
public class foo { // fields private string _bar; // properties private string bar { { return this._bar; } set { this._bar = value; } } }
now when go , in il code emitted compiler setter of bar
.method private hidebysig specialname instance void set_bar(string 'value') cil managed { .maxstack 8 l_0000: nop l_0001: ldarg.0 l_0002: ldarg.1 l_0003: stfld string consoleapplication2.program/foo::_bar l_0008: ret }
why ldarg.0
? located in first (index 0) argument? since method/property setter takes 1 argument...
the same goes getter:
.method private hidebysig specialname instance string get_bar() cil managed { .maxstack 1 .locals init ( [0] string cs$1$0000) l_0000: nop l_0001: ldarg.0 l_0002: ldfld string consoleapplication2.program/foo::_bar l_0007: stloc.0 l_0008: br.s l_000a l_000a: ldloc.0 l_000b: ret }
why .locals init
? why ldarg.0 ? why doesn't ldfld
of backing field , return that? :)
for setter:
any instance member has implicit "this" parameter - that's what's being loaded, basically. try turning static property , you'll see go away.
for getter, i'm not sure why there's local variable... debugger support perhaps? compiling in optimized mode (/o+ /debug-
command line) gets rid of local variable.
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