a question about this python script! -
if __name__=="__main__": fname= raw_input("please enter file:") mtrue=1 salaries='' salarieslist={} employeesdept='' employeesdeptlist={} try: f1=open(fname) except: mtrue=0 print 'the %s not exist!'%fname if mtrue==1: ss=[] x in f1.readlines(): if 'salaries' in x: salaries=x.strip() elif 'employees' in x: employeesdept=x.strip() f1.close() if salaries , employeesdept: salaries=salaries.split('-')[1].strip().split(' ') d in salaries: s=d.strip().split(':') salarieslist[s[0]]=s[1] employeesdept=employeesdept.split('-')[1].strip().split(' ') d in employeesdept: s=d.strip().split(':') employeesdeptlist[s[0]]=s[1] print "1) average salary in company: %s "%salarieslist['avg'] print "2) maximum , minimum salaries in company: maximum:%s,minimum:%s "%(salarieslist['max'],salarieslist['min']) print "3) how many employees there in each department :it:%s, development:%s, administration:%s"%( employeesdeptlist['it'],employeesdeptlist['development'],employeesdeptlist['administration']) else: print 'the %s data err!'%fname
when enter filename, didn't continue, why? if enter file named company.txt, show file not exist. why?
i can give hints can resolve problem better
create function , call in main e.g.
if __name__=="__main__": main()
don't put whole block under if mtrue==1:
instead return function on error e.g.
def main(): fname= raw_input("please enter file:") try: f1=open(fname) except: print 'the %s not exist!'%fname return ... # main code here
never catch exceptions , instead catch specific exception e.g. ioerror
try: f1 = open(fname): except ioerror,e: print 'the %s not exist!'%fname
otherwise catching exception may catch syntax error or mis-spelled names etc
print exception getting, may not file not found, may don't have read permission or that
and problem that, file may not exist, try input full path
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