html - Hyperlink to a network share -

my scenario this:

i have 2 network shares (on same network) construct them a href network share. tried make work solutions given here couldn't succeeed. these href links generated on fly thru application , sent html outlook e-mail. wanted link in outlook html e-mail.

\\remote_machine_name\sharename1\windows\notepad.exe \\remote_machine_name\sharename2\scandisk.acc

so, need make notepad.exe open on remote machine along scandisk.acc open on same remote machine , input notepad.exe. please note remote machines same both notepad.exe , .acc file share names different.

btw, i'm thinking of possibility of generating javascript code on fly application , take .acc file input , in javascript method, open notepad.exe , input .acc file it. work?

as side note, whenever click on .acc file link in html outlook e-mail, i'm getting warning outlook dialog shows (open, save , cancel).

please help.

you'll want this:


there 5 slashes after file: , mean: /// file protocol , // path server. normal windows path this:


all need reverse slashes , append file:///


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