jQuery Textarea focus -

when click button want textarea in li element focus.

<li class="commentblock" id="commentbox-79" style="display: list-item;">   <div>     <div class="grid userimageblocks">       <div class="imgsmall">         <img width="35" height="35" alt="image" src="/bakasura1/files/images/small/1288170363aca595cabb50.jpg">       </div>     </div>     <div class="grid usercontentblocks alpha omega">        <form accept-charset="utf-8" action="/bakasura1/account/savecomment" method="post">         <div style="display: none;">           <input type="hidden" value="post" name="_method">         </div>          <input type="hidden" id="statusmessagereplypid" value="79" name="data[statusmessagereply][pid]">          <input type="hidden" id="statusmessagereplyitemid" value="1" name="data[statusmessagereply][item_id]">          <input type="hidden" id="statusmessagereplycommentersitemid" value="1" name="data[statusmessagereply][commenters_item_id]">          <textarea id="statusmessagereplymessage" name="data[statusmessagereply][message]">           write comment...         </textarea>         <input type="submit" name="" value="comment" class="comment" id="comment-79">       </form>      </div>     <div class="clear"></div>   </div> </li> 

this jquery code:

$('.user-status-buttons').click(function() {     var id = $(this).attr('id');     $("#commentbox-"+id).slidetoggle("fast");     $("#commentbox-"+id+" #statusmessagemessage").focus();     return false; }); 

based on comment in reply jacob, perhaps want:

$('.user-status-buttons').click(function(){      var id = $(this).attr('id');     $("#commentbox-"+id).slidetoggle("fast", function(){         $("#commentbox-"+id+" #statusmessagereplymessage").focus();     });      return false; }); 

this should give #statusmessagereplymessage element focus after slide effect has finished.


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