javascript - Continuous movement when a key is held down -

is possible in jquery have element continuously move when key held down?

i've tried few ways have break in between animation calls. code have:

$(document).keydown(function (e) {     if (e.which == 37) {         $('#you').stop().animate({             left: '-=16px'         }, 10);     } }); $(document).keyup(function (e) {     $('#you').stop(); }); 

.animate() isn't best way.

// cache jquery objects performance var = $( "#you" ) , doc = $( document )  // variable hold motion state , activemotion  // godown motion, adjust numbers taste , godown = function(){    you.css( "left" , you.css( "left" ) - 16 );    if ( activemotion === godown ) {       settimeout( godown , 10 );    } }  doc.keydown( function( e ) {    if ( e.which === 37 && activemotion !== godown ) {       activemotion = godown;       godown();    }    // directions can go here in seperate if/else statements    // sure include "activemotion !== godown" else every time    // keydown event fires, start new godown loop. } );  doc.keyup( function () {    // ends motion checked activemotion    activemotion = null; } ); 


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