c# - How to handle temporary data and xml new attribute at initial element? -

before starting sorry awfull coding skills , hope can me advices , such.

i have hashset of unique int values:

private hashset<int> found = null; 

that use read data entity, each entry inserted on found unique , gives me whole new set of data.

so let's consider each unique int follow data:


the hashset updated every second , when happens may gather repeated entities new data still have compare if not updating duplicated entity.

so made dictionary follow

dictionary<int, mylist> myitemlist = new dictionary<int, mylist>(); 

and above class mylist

public class mylist {     public int id { get; set; }     public string m { get; set; }     public string x { get; set; }     public string y { get; set; }     public string z { get; set; } } 

so here sample of found feeding dictionary:

foreach (var myfoundid in found.except(myitemlist.keys)) {    mylist listdata = new mylist();    listdata.id = get(myfoundid, "id");    listdata.m = get(myfoundid, "m");    listdata.x = get(myfoundid, "x");    listdata.y = get(myfoundid, "y");    listdata.z = get(myfoundid, "z");    myitemlist.add(myfoundid, listdata); } 

questions , doubts:

  • should change how handling above data ? should change to, make better want ?

  • when generating xml of data, need entity element have total count of objects:

    example xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <entities>     <entity id="21231" m="somedata" total="2">         <object x="somedata" y="somedata" z="somedata" />         <object x="somedata" y="somedata" z="somedata" />     </entity> </entities> 

    example code:

    writexml.writestartelement("entities"); int mylastid; foreach (keyvaluepair<int, mylist> thislist in myitemlist) {     int objectcount = 0;   
    mylist thisdata = thislist.value; if (mylastid == thisdata.id) continue; mylastid = thisdata.id;   writexml.writestartelement("entity"); writexml.writeattributestring("id", thisdata.id.tostring()); writexml.writeattributestring("m", thisdata.m);   foreach (keyvaluepair&lt;int, mylist&gt; thislistagain in myitemlist) {     mylist thisdata2 = thislistagain.value;     if (thisdata2.id == thisdata.id)     {         writexml.writestartelement("object");         writexml.writeattributestring("x", thisdata2.x);         writexml.writeattributestring("y", thisdata2.y);         writexml.writeattributestring("z", thisdata2.z);         writexml.writeendelement();         objectcount++;     }     writexml.writeattributestring("total", objectcount.tostring()); } writexml.writeendelement(); 
    } writexml.writeendelement(); writexml.close();

    the problem writexml.writeattributestring("total", objectcount.tostring()); not work in there tough element not closed yet need how sort out count before , write along entity start element.

    also think there better ways accomplish above xml generating code other 2 foreachs , guidance here.

fake data producer tests:

int myid = random.next(10000); (int = 0; < 100; i++) {     if (i % 10 == 0)         myid = random.next(10000);      mylist listdata = new mylist();     listdata.id = myid;     listdata.m = "m";     listdata.x = "x";     listdata.y = "y";     listdata.z = "z";     myitemlist.add(i, listdata); } 

you have write total before write sub-elements. but, on different note, better match intended output, class mylist should changed to...

public class mylist  {      public int id { get; set; }      public string m { get; set; }      public class myinternallist     {     public string x { get; set; }      public string y { get; set; }      public string z { get; set; }      }     public list<myinternallist> thelist = new list<myinternallist>(); }  

if find duplicates in dictionary, decide if duplicate provides new data, , add internal list. internal list provide added convenience of having total looking for.

the following example replace foreach loop on "found"...

dictionary<int, mylist> myitemlist = new dictionary<int, mylist>(); hashset<int> found = null;   // ... found gets setup  foreach (var myfoundid in found.except(myitemlist.keys)) {     mylist listdata = new mylist();     listdata.id = get(myfoundid, "id");     listdata.m = get(myfoundid, "m");      mylist.myinternallist item = new mylist.myinternallist();     item.x = get(myfoundid, "x");     item.y = get(myfoundid, "y");     item.z = get(myfoundid, "z");     listdata.thelist.add(item);      myitemlist.add(myfoundid, listdata); } 

however, basic example prevent there ever being more 1 item in internal list. xml example, assume have multiple item on list, can't tell code how might happen. review updated code , post later.


by read, items designed such id must unique, each id maps 1 , 1 "m", , pair can have 1 many "x","y","z" tuples. you've said collecting items , updating dictionary on 1 second interval. so, recommend create new "found" hashset each time, , not use except() extension method. in loop, create new item if dictionary not contain id, or reuse item in dictionary. so...

dictionary<int, mylist> myitemlist = new dictionary<int, mylist>(); hashset<int> found = null;   // ... setup "found"  foreach (var myfoundid in found) {     var id = get(myfoundid, "id");      mylist listdata;     if (!myitemlist.containskey(id))     {         listdata = new mylist();         myitemlist.add(id,listdata);     }     listdata = myitemlist[id];     listdata.id = get(myfoundid, id);     listdata.m = get(myfoundid, "m");     mylist.myinternallist item = new mylist.myinternallist();      item.x = get(myfoundid, "x");     item.y = get(myfoundid, "y");     item.z = get(myfoundid, "z");     listdata.thelist.add(item);     myitemlist.add(id, listdata); } 

i've made additional assumption myfoundid equal get(myfoundid,"id"), if not, switch using myfoundid everywhere use "id" (but recommend store myfoundid in mylist class somewhere since comes in handy later).


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