iphone - How to nest UITabBarController -

i trying nest uitabbar inside one, so:

uitabbarcontroller *tabcontroller = [[uitabbarcontroller alloc] init]; tabcontroller.delegate = self;  uitabbarcontroller *friendstabcontroller = [[uitabbarcontroller alloc] init];  findfriendsviewcontroller *findfriendscontroller = [[findfriendsviewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"findfriendsviewcontroller" bundle:nil]; findfriendscontroller.rootviewcontroller = self; uinavigationcontroller *findfriendsnavcontroller = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:findfriendscontroller]; findfriendsnavcontroller.tabbaritem.title = nslocalizedstring(@"add", nil);  friendstabcontroller.viewcontrollers = [nsarray arraywithobjects:friendstreamcontroller, friendlistcontroller, findfriendsnavcontroller, nil];  tabcontroller.viewcontrollers = [nsarray arraywithobjects:nearbynavcontroller, friendstabcontroller, mecontroller, checkincontroller, logcontroller, nil]; 

(obviously, of code, such other tabs ommitted brevity)

when this, , click on "friends" tab of outer tab bar, inner tab bar appears directly above outer one. don't want this. inner tab bar take place (at bottom of window) of outer 1 when selected.

i've tried doing hiding outer tab bar, setting hidden in uitabbarcontroller delegate method, , i've tried setting frame of inner tab bar manually position @ bottom of screen so:

friendstabcontroller.tabbar.frame = cgrectmake(0, 430, 320, 50); 

when hide outer tab bar inner 1 still appears same distance bottom edge of screen, , outer 1 replaced blank rectangle.

when try setting frame of inner tab bar, part of visible part outside frame of outer tab bar.

i've tried googling no avail. surely kind of navigation not rare? before attempting had assumed supported in sdk.

any ideas?



you try having single tab-bar controller in app. when user clicks on tab leads new set of tabs, replace of tabs in single-tab-bar controller. i'm not sure navigate "back" top level, presume have in mind.

i dont think great ui, can make work way.


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