objective c - execution stops on [textView insertText:] without exception! -
i writing simple osx app. in app, there main thread keeps updating stuff, calculates statistics , prints them on textview.
while developing, used same received ibaction perform cycle. got working, switched nsthread prevent ui locking while computing.
as did that, app started running few cycles (about 7-8), whole app freezes without exception. debugging, noticed freezes when trying print statistics on textview, , have absolutely no clue how solve this. works if not inside thread... can help? code below. in advance :)
-(ibaction) evolve:(id)sender{ nsautoreleasepool *pool = [[nsautoreleasepool alloc] init]; [nsthread detachnewthreadselector:@selector(evolve) totarget:self withobject:nil]; [pool drain]; }
and whole cycle
-(void) evolve{ nsautoreleasepool *pool = [[nsautoreleasepool alloc] init]; srandom(time(null)); //tag 0: minimo, tag 1: massimo int tagminmax = [minmax selectedtag]; //tag 0: rimpiazza sempre, tag 1: rimpiazza solo se migliori int tagrimpiazzo = [[rimpiazzo selecteditem] tag]; int popnum = [tf_popnum intvalue]; int maxgen = [tf_maxgen intvalue]; int target = [tf_targetval intvalue]; int chromosomelength = [tf_chromosomelength intvalue]; environment *env = [[environment alloc] init]; nsmutablearray *pop = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; (int = 0; < popnum; i++) { [pop addobject:[[individual alloc] initwithrandomgeneswithchromosomelength:chromosomelength]]; } [env setpopulation:pop]; [pop release]; bool earlybestfound = no; individual *earlybest = nil; int i=0; float best, avg; while (i<maxgen && !earlybestfound) { nslog(@"while"); nsarray *parents = [env selectparents]; nslog(@"parents selected"); nsmutablearray *offspring = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; (int = 0; < [parents count]; i+=2) { if (i+1<[parents count]) { nslog(@"beginning sex"); individual *parent1 = [parents objectatindex:i]; individual *parent2 = [parents objectatindex:i+1]; nsarray *children = [parent1 kcrossoverwithotherindividual:1 individual:parent2]; individual *child1 = [children objectatindex:0]; individual *child2 = [children objectatindex:1]; nslog(@"children born"); if (tagrimpiazzo!=0) { if (([child1 fitness] > [parent1 fitness] && tagminmax == 0)||([child1 fitness] < [parent1 fitness] && tagminmax == 1)) { child1 = parent1; } if (([child2 fitness] > [parent2 fitness] && tagminmax == 0)||([child2 fitness] < [parent2 fitness] && tagminmax == 1)) { child2 = parent2; } } nslog(@"replacement happened"); [offspring addobject:child1]; [offspring addobject:child2]; } } nslog(@"calculating statistics"); avg = 0; for(individual *x in offspring){ if (([x fitness] > best && tagminmax == 1)||([x fitness] < best && tagminmax == 0)) { best = [x fitness]; } avg += [x fitness]; if ([x fitness]==target) { earlybestfound = yes; earlybest = x; } } avg = avg/(float)popnum; [env setpopulation:offspring]; nslog(@"releasing memory"); [offspring release]; nslog(@"printing statistics"); nsstring *toprint = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"fine generazione: %d avg: %.2f best: %.2f \r\n", i,avg,best]; [textview inserttext:toprint]; i++; } nslog(@"fine"); nsstring *toprint = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"fine! best: %.2f - avg: %.2f \r\n", i,avg,best]; [textview inserttext:toprint]; [env release]; [pool drain]; }
p.s. sorry if english's not perfect, i'm italian :)
your application crashing because accessing textview
background thread. ui objects may accessed main thread.
to solve problem, need forward textview updates main ui thread. can using -performselectoronmainthread:
method. example:
[textview performselectoronmainthread:@selector(inserttext:) withobject:toprint waituntildone:yes];
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