php - mod_rewrite for dynamically mapping SEO friendly links directly to individual files, without routing via front controller -

i'm looking seo friendly url rewrite rule work common php site doesn't have front controller. map seo friendly url directly php file found exist on server , convert remaining url branches standard url parameters.

for example:


would map to:


now, here's tricky part. since rewrite rules need agnostic names of folders, pages, , variables, need base rewrite of url parameters on exact location along link can found file exists along path. instance, consider if following file happened exist (hypothetically) off document root: /folder1/folder2.php
in case, following remapping legitimate , acceptable:

this ultimate rewrite rule many traditional websites have been built want urls , parameters instantly become url-friendly.

the examples have found involve mapping work single front controller or otherwise hard-coded files in rule expected exist rather have mod_rewrite detect existence dynamically. they're related, not flexible file found exist:

the apache web server know such concept:

  • multiviews:

    the effect of multiviews follows: if server receives request /some/dir/foo, if /some/dir has multiviews enabled, , /some/dir/foo not exist, server reads directory looking files named foo.*, , fakes type map names files, assigning them same media types , content-encodings have if client had asked 1 of them name. chooses best match client's requirements.

  • path info:

    this directive controls whether requests contain trailing pathname information follows actual filename (or non-existent file in existing directory) accepted or rejected. trailing pathname information can made available scripts in path_info environment variable.

    for example, assume location /test/ points directory contains single file here.html. requests /test/here.html/more , /test/nothere.html/more both collect /more path_info.

all need adjust take path info part , parse it.

besides that, if want implement behavior mod_rewrite, try this:

rewritecond %{document_root}/$0.php !-f rewriterule ^(.+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$ /$1?$2=$3 [n,qsa] rewritecond %{document_root}/$0.php -f rewriterule .+ /$0.php [l] 


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