django variable in template -

i m passing varible view ,to template. when m printing {{ }} not working. plz asap. thanks.

# view  return render_to_response(          'feedback/feedback.html',          {'subjects': subject_list, 'n': n, 'list': sub_list, 'i': 0},          context_instance=requestcontext(request))   # template  {% s in list %}      <div id="{{ }}">      {% subject in s %}          <div> {{ subject }} </div>      {% endfor %}      </div> {% endfor %} 

you need template filter work

my template filter similar case:

import re django import template django.conf import settings  numeric_test = re.compile("^\d+$") register = template.library()  def getattribute(value, arg):     """gets attribute of object dynamically string name"""     if hasattr(value, str(arg)):             return getattr(value, arg)     elif hasattr(value, 'has_key') , value.has_key(arg):             return value[arg]     elif numeric_test.match(str(arg)) , len(value) > int(arg):             return value[int(arg)]     else:             return settings.template_string_if_invalid  register.filter('getattribute', getattribute)   # in template  {{ folder_info| }} 


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