hibernate - jquery struts2 grid column editable="false" is not passed to server -

i created grid using jquery struts2 grid plugin. have grid column primary key of table set non-editable. when try edit 1 of rows of table in grid, key column not passed server. tried setting editable attribute of key column true that's time sent key server. in showcase, id set non-editable server receives parameter. kindly me out on this. might missing something.

here code jsp:

<s:url id="adm201_grid" action="adm201grid">   <s:param name="bomid" value="%{bom.bomid}"/> </s:url> <s:url id="adm201_edit_grid" action="adm201editgrid">   <s:param name="bomid" value="%{bom.bomid}"/> </s:url> <s:url id="select_material" action="select_material"/> <sjg:grid   gridmodel="gridmodel"   caption="bill of materials"   href="%{adm201_grid}"   datatype="json"   pager="true"   navigator="true"   navigatorsearchoptions="{multiplesearch:true}"   navigatoredit="true"   navigatordelete="true"   rowlist="10,15,20"   rownum="15"   editurl="%{adm201_edit_grid}"   editinline="false"   multiselect="true"   width="500"   navigatoraddoptions="{reloadaftersubmit:true}"   navigatoreditoptions="{reloadaftersubmit:false}"   >   <sjg:gridcolumn     name="bommatid"     index="bommatid"     title="bom material id"/>   <sjg:gridcolumn     name="material.materialid"     title="material"     sortable="true"     editable="true"     edittype="select"     editoptions="{dataurl:'%{select_material}'}"     formatter="integer"     width="40"/>   <sjg:gridcolumn     name="material.descrip"     title="description"     sortable="true"     width="150"/>   <sjg:gridcolumn     name="material.unit"     title="unit"     sortable="true"     width="30"/>   <sjg:gridcolumn     name="quantity"     title="quantity"     sortable="true"     editable="true"     edittype="text"     formatter="integer"     width="40"/> </sjg:grid> 

here code edit action:

    public class adm201editgrid extends actionsupport {      private static final long serialversionuid = 3887575129335166744l;      private string oper;     private bommaterials bommaterials;     private bommaterialsdao bommatdao = new bommaterialsdao();     private long bomid;     private material material;     private long quantity;     private long bommatid;      // getters , setters          @override     @actions( {       @action(value = "/adm201editgrid", results = {         @result(name = "success", location = "simpleecho.jsp"),         @result(name = "input", location = "simpleecho.jsp")       })     })     public string execute() throws exception {    if (oper.equals("add") || oper.equals("edit")) {     bommaterials = new bommaterials();     bommaterials.setbomid(bomid);            bommaterials.setbommatid(bommatid);     bommaterials.setmaterial(material);     bommaterials.setquantity(quantity);      bommatdao.save(bommaterials, bommaterials.getbommatid());    }       return success;     }   } 

hoping immediate replies. lot!

~ honey =)

instead of setting editable false, try setting hidden true, in case it'll passed server , not visible in add/edit dialog box of grid.


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