html - Why do Android and iOS browser render site wider than the device screen width by default? -

i have used following code in site prevent android browser rendering wider screen resolution. it's code found on site while preparing ask question unable find original question again reference.

<meta name="handheldfriendly" content="true" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no" /> 

to start with, code worked. browser rendering page 3 time wide screen resolution, , opera mini did same. after inserting these 2 lines <head>, problem went away , page rendered should be. remember answer provided code abnormal width caused webkit rendering engine powered, among others, android , ios browsers.

question: know why webkit overrides screen resolution , renders page @ resolution greater can accommodated on screen?

it has phone's default viewport settings. not, per se, webkit's doing, rather implementation of browser on device. here default layout widths: safari iphone uses 980px, opera 850px, android webkit 800px, , ie 974px.

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