uinavigationcontroller - core-plot and navigationController -

i using core-plot sdk , trying plot bar chart.

i have rootviewcontroller extends uinavigationcontroller, , adding viewcontroller render barchart, here code


- (void)viewdidload {    [super viewdidload];     barchartviewcontroller = [[barchartviewcontroller alloc]init];    [self pushviewcontroller:barchartviewcontroller animated:no]; } 


- (void)viewdidload {    [super viewdidload];     self.title =@"barchart";    self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.tintcolor = [uicolor colorwithred:0.4 green: 0.8 blue:0 alpha:1];     self.navigationitem.title = @"barchart";     // , creating barchart , rendering it, works fine. } 

here navigationbar doesn't appear , title navigationbar. , following code barchartviewcontroller.m

-(void)barplot:(cpbarplot *)plot barwasselectedatrecordindex:(nsuinteger)index{    nslog(@"barwasselectedatrecordindex %d", index);    detailviewcontroller *detailviewcontroller =          [[detailviewcontroller alloc]initwithnibname:@"detailviewcontroller" bundle:           [nsbundle mainbundle]];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller: detailviewcontroller animated:yes]; } 

so in above code trying once user selects bar barchart (which getting displayed properly), above method gets invoked, see on console log message getting displayed telling barchart selected, controller not going detailviewcontroller, pushing here.

so can see facing 2 problems code 1 navigation bar not appearing , 1 not able push new viewcontroller navigationcontroller. guessing there issue core-plot , navigation controller.

please help.

thanks, yogesh


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