How to get the number of sent SMS messages between specific dates in android -

is there way retrieve number of sent sms messages between specific dates in android?

i prefer officially supported sdk functionality, stating in answer whether part of official sdk helpful.

i aware of this stack overflow question seems use not officially supported android.provider.telephony.sms_received , content://sms/sent, rather not use (please correct me if i'm wrong being unsupported).

i know old question, came across , spotted unanswered. please not downvote me because of it. maybe need answer.

all have query phone content provider (i used calllog.calls constants instead hardcoded strings columns names)

 string[] projection = { };  uri smscontenturi = uri.parse("content://sms/");  cursor cursor = this.getcontentresolver().query(smscontenturi , selection,where, null, null);  simpledateformat format = new simpledateformat("dd-mm-yy");  cursor.movetofirst();   log.d("sms count", ""+cursor.getcount());    while(cursor.isafterlast() == false){         log.d("sms date", ""+cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex(; //raw format of date in milliseconds         long calldate = cursor.getlong(cursor.getcolumnindex(;               string datestring = format.format(new date(calldate));         log.i("sms date",datestring);         cursor.movetonext();  } 

for case have supply clause make selection on projection. need convert bounds of dates you've mentioned in miliseconds (get date , convert ms). make sure pattern corresponds "dd-mm-yy".

the clause should like:

string ="<"+frist_bound_in_ms + " , "+ + "< " + second_bound_in_ms; 

which take final form of our query: select date sms_content date < 'firstbound' , date < 'second bound'

modify uri smscontenturi = uri.parse("content://sms/"); adding end of "content://sms/" sent or inbox "content://sms/sent" or "content://sms/inbox", regarding box want query. cheers.


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