recursion - Java - recursive binary search help -

the following code how i'm trying create recursive binary method..

public static int binarysearch(comparable[] objarray, comparable item) {      int lower=0;     int upper=objarray.length -1;     int = -1;     int compareresult;     boolean found = false;     while ((lower<=upper) && (!found))     {         i=(lower+upper)/2;         compareresult=item.compareto(objarray[i]);         if(compareresult<0)         {             upper=i-1;         }         else             if (compareresult>0)             {                 lower=i+1;             }             else             {                 found=true;             }       }     return compareresult;    } 

i feel thought i'm not doing correctly...any suggestions?


you using loop. in order method recursive, needs call until reaches breaking condition.

check out wikipedia's example.

essentially, "while" condition condition breaks recursion (i.e. stops method calling itself), , contents of current loop instead setting "upper" , "lower" parameters next recursive call.


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