How to get title of preferencescreen in android -

i trying gate title of preferencesreen in program ..anybody tell me how can title? code of preference xml here. want title "show list" in program.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <preferencescreen xmlns:android="">     <preferencecategory android:title="settings">         <preferencescreen android:title="show list" android:key ="show_list""@+id/preference_screen">             <intent android:action="android.intent.action.view"                 android:targetpackage="com.picknext"                 android:targetclass="com.picknext.pickname" />         </preferencescreen>         <listpreference android:title="remove after pick"             android:key="selection_of_y_n_name_pick" android:entries="@array/selection_of_y_n_namepick"             android:entryvalues="@array/value_of_y_n_naempick" android:defaultvalue="yes" />     </preferencecategory> </preferencescreen> 

you have class extends preferenceactivity. inside (for example in oncreate()) have call addpreferencesfromresource(). after have access title via methods gettitle() , settitle().

i hope helps.


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