css - How to get an ExtJS ComboBox to display inline with text? -

i want following display in single line. have tried using styles float , display.

 show input <input type="text" name="filterop" id="filterop"/> inline.   <script type="text/javascript">     new ext.form.combobox({         applyto: 'filterop',         triggeraction: 'all',         name: 'item',         mode: 'local',         lazyinit: true,         displayfield: 'name',         valuefield: 'id',         forceselection: true,         typeahead: true,         inputtype:'text',         fieldlabel: 'item selection',         style: "display: inline-block",         store: new ext.data.jsonstore({             autoload: true,             url: 'reporting/json_report_filter_operators.jsp',             root: 'rows',             fields:['id', 'name']         })     })  </script>  

the simplest way override styles on page.

first, wrap paragraph in p tag special id.

<p id="my-inline-override">   show input <input type="text" name="filterop" id="filterop"/> inline. </p> 

then can add css selector page makes sure div tag added ext js displays inline (note "x-form-field-wrap" class of inserted div wrapper, can see if use chrome developer tools browse dom).

<style> #my-inline-override div.x-form-field-wrap {     display: inline; } </style> 


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