Java awt performance anxiety -

there program generates hundreds or thousands of moving particles onscreen @ once. after several hundred displayed, slowdown occurs. performance analyzed using netbeans profiler , 80% of time spend in jpanel's paint algorithm optimization seems unlikely make noticeable difference. there can done or time think new platform? paint method looks this:

public void paintcomponent(graphics g) {     super.paintcomponent(g);     setbackground(color.white);      (int = 0; < gamelogic.getparticlearrsize(); i++) {         g.setcolor(gamelogic.getparticlecolor(i));         g.filloval(gamelogic.getparticlexcoor(i),                 gamelogic.getparticleycoor(i),                 gamelogic.getparticlesize(i),                 gamelogic.getparticlesize(i));     }     g.setcolor(gamelogic.getcurrpartcolor());     g.filloval(mousex - mouseovalradius, mousey - mouseovalradius,             mouseovalsize, mouseovalsize);     g.setcolor(gamelogic.getcursorcolor());     g.filloval(mousex - 19, mousey - 19, 38, 38);      (int = 0; < gamelogic.getbombarrsize(); i++) {         g.setcolor(;         g.filloval(gamelogic.getbombxcoor(i) - 6,                 gamelogic.getbombycoor(i) - 6,                 gamelogic.getbombsize(i),                 gamelogic.getbombsize(i));     }     (int = 0; < gamelogic.getpowerupparticlearrsize(); i++) {         g.setcolor(gamelogic.getpowerupparticlecolor(i));         g.filloval(gamelogic.getpowerupparticlexcoor(i),                 gamelogic.getpowerupparticleycoor(i),                 gamelogic.getpowerupparticlesize(i),                 gamelogic.getpowerupparticlesize(i));     }     (int = 0; < gamelogic.getblackarrsize(); i++) {         g.setcolor(;         g.filloval(gamelogic.getblackparticlexcoor(i),                 gamelogic.getblackparticleycoor(i),                 gamelogic.getblackparticlesize(i),                 gamelogic.getblackparticlesize(i));     } } 

when triggering repaint()? set on timer on time interval? created animation lib , able animate 40 items smoothly. have many more objects @ time interval first.

edit: ok here suggestion. first need figure out function in paint taking amount of time. seems calling filloval lot. suggestion create shape once using like: new roundrectangle2d.double(). , use affinetransformation move around shapes instead. curious know other suggest, check back.


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