recursion - Android refer to custom views in a loop? -

i need recursively move through bunch of custom views of mine extend view class.


i have created instances of each view in

viewone vone; viewtwo vtwo; viewthree vthree; 

these views implement function called start().

and want able loop through them somehow:

for(int i=0; i<= 2:i++) {   views[i].start(); } 

how go doing this?

the above example. real reason need able move through them numerically , programatically because want able add , remove views layout in numeric order button (previous , next) clicked. (i don't want them added layout @ start because heavily resource intensive views).

so required such:

click next -> add next view -> remove current view. click previous -> add previous view -> remove current view.


currview = 1  current view currview (1) click next add view currview+1 (2) layout switch view currview+1 (2) remove view currview (1)  or  currview = 2  current view currview (2) click previous add view currview-1 (1) layout switch currview-1 (1) remove view currview (2) 

note, views of own unique type , infact individual classes extend view. can't typecast them "view" because that's wrong, types viewone, viewtwo , viewthree respectively (for example).

assuming views have been added layout, can programatically iterate on children in viewgroup (i.e layout) so:

viewgroup group = findviewbyid(; // name of layout int children = group.getchildcount(); (int = 0; < children; i++) {      view child = group.getchildat(i);     if (child instanceof viewone) {                ...      } else if (child instanceof viewtwo) {        ...     } } 

additionally, if of custom views implement start(), push method interface can simplify if block above.


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