bash - Oneliner to calculate complete size of all messages in maillog -

ok guys i'm @ dead end here, don't know else try...

i writing script e-mail statistics, 1 of things needs calculate complete size of messages in maillog, wrote far:

egrep ' hostname sendmail\[.*.from=.*., size=' maillog | awk '{print $8}' |   tr "," "+" | tr -cd '[:digit:][=+=]' | sed 's/^/(/;s/+$/)\/1048576/' |   bc -ql | awk -f "." '{print $1}' 

and here sample line maillog:

nov 15 09:08:48 hostname sendmail[3226]: oaf88gwb003226:   from=<>, size=40992, class=0, nrcpts=24,   msgid=<>, proto=esmtp,   daemon=mta1, relay=[] 

so i'll try explain step step:

first grep through file find lines containing actual "size", next print 8th field, in case "size=40992,".

next replace comma characters plus sign.

then delete except digits , plus sign.

then replace beginning of line "(", , replace last plus sign ")" followed "/1048576". huge expression looking this:


because want add individual message sizes , divide result in mb.

the last awk command when decimal number don't care precision print part before decimal point.

the problem is, doesn't work... , swear working @ 1 point, expression long bc handle?

thanks if took time read through :)

i think one-line awk script work too. matches line egrep pattern matches, lines splits eighth record = sign , adds second part (the number) sum variable. when sees end of file prints out value of sum/1048576 (or byte count in mibibytes).

awk '/ hostname sendmail\[.*.from=.*., size=/{ split($8,a,"=") ; sum += a[2] } end { print sum/1048576 }' maillog 


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