PHP - Codeigniter professional structure -
i graduating in next month. applying entry level php developer jobs. many companies asking send sample code.
i sending sample controller, view , model files , screenshots of outputs, not getting through.
please me. doing wrong? supposed send them? there professional way of writing/structuring code?
my sample code files are:
<?php class newsrelease extends controller { function newsrelease() { parent::controller(); $this->load->helper('url'); // $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->model('news_model'); $this->load->library('session'); } /* loads home page called 'home_view'. before loading this, checks wheter admin logged in or not , clears admin session. because, when admin logged out, shown page. */ function index() { $checksession=$this->session->userdata('name'); if(isset($checksession)) { $this->session->unset_userdata('name'); $this->session->unset_userdata('password'); } $this->load->view('home_view'); } /* on loading home page, display feature news, following function needed. */ function datanews() { //$data['hi']="hello world"; $query=$this->news_model->getactivenews(); foreach($query->result_array() $row1) { echo"<p><h4><b><a href='#' id='".$row1['id']."'>".$row1['title']."</a> </h4></b>".substr($row1['body'],0,100)."<b>...<a href='#' id='".$row1['id']."'> read more></b></a></p></br>"; } } /* archive news can shown function. */ function archivenews() { $year=trim($this->input->post('year')); $query=$this->news_model->getarchivenews($year); foreach($query->result_array() $row1) { echo"<p><h4><b><a href='#' id='".$row1['id']."'>".$row1['title']."</a></h4> </b>".substr($row1['body'],0,100)."<b>...<a href='#' id='".$row1['id']."'> read more></b></a></p></br>"; } } /* on clicking admin link on home page, navigated admin login page. */ function adminlogin() { $this->load->view('adminlogin_view'); } /* admin login authentication can handled thie function. , session stores id , password. */ function validate() { $name=trim($this->input->post('name')); $password=trim($this->input->post('pwd')); $sess_data=array("name" => $name, "password" => $password); $this->session->set_userdata($sess_data); if($name=="raj"&&$password=="raj") { echo "1"; } else echo "0"; } /* after successful authentication, admin shown home page can add, modify , delete news. */ function adminhome() { if($this->session->userdata('name') && $this->session->userdata('password')) $this->load->view('adminhome_view'); } /* , more functions go here. */ ?>
<?php $this->load->view('header'); ?> <!-- scripthome.js has javascript , jquery code related functions above mentioned process--> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>js/scripthome.js"></script> <div id="content"> <h3 class="featurenews"><a href="#" id="feature"> feature news </a></h3><h3 class="admin"><?php echo anchor('newsrelease/adminlogin','admin')?></h3> <div id="newsdetails"> <!-- feature news details--> </div> <!-- archive page should display list of active news items in descending order (newest oldest based on release date). similar home page, archived news item features title, portion of story , allow users ability either click title or "read more" link view entire story --> <div id="newsarchivedetails"> <!-- archive news--> </div> <div id="newsarchive"> <!-- archive news--> </div> <div id="newshome"> <!-- feature news--> </div> <div id="archivediv"> <h3 class="archive">news archive by</h3><h3><a href="#" id="2010"> 2010 </a> | <a href="#" id="2009"> 2009 </a> | <a href="#" id="2008"> 2008 </a></h3> <a href="#" id="2007">2007</a> </div> <!-- content close --> </div> <!-- wrapper close --> <?php $this->load->view('footer');?>
<?php class news_model extends model { function news_model() { parent::model(); } /* gets featured news table news. */ function getactivenews() { $this->db->where('status','1'); $this->db->where('type','1'); $this->db->order_by('id','desc'); return $this->db->get('news'); } /* gets news type '0'(archived) */ function getarchivenews($year) { $this->db->where('year(date)',$year); $this->db->where('status','1'); $this->db->where('type','0'); $this->db->order_by('id','desc'); return $this->db->get('news'); } } ?>
- you start removing html tags controller class (mvc)
- create propper documentation (@return, @param, etc.)
- most companies want see code + working version of code on live server
- if it's not codeigniter specific job, show non-codeigniter code
- show em can read/write uml diagrams
- add variety (xml, soap, oop, different dbtypes, file upload, sessions, security, etc.)
- point out build code atleast test driven development or behaviour driven development
and ofc.. luck!!
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