php - Convert String 'ten' to Integer 10 -

possible duplicate:
converting words numbers in php

is there php function convert string such 'ten' integer?
if not how go it?
have tried google , search no success

here's proof of concept class wrote this... check out:

class wordtonumber {      public $modifiers = array(         'hundred' => 100,     );      public $negatives = array(         'minus' => true,         'negative' => true,     );      public $numbers = array(         'zero'  => 0,         'one'   => 1,         'two'   => 2,         'three' => 3,         'four'  => 4,         'five'  => 5,         'six'   => 6,         'seven' => 7,         'eight' => 8,         'nine'  => 9,         'ten'   => 10,         'eleven' => 11,         'twelve' => 12,         'thirteen' => 13,         'fourteen' => 14,         'fifteen'  => 15,         'sixteen'  => 16,         'seventeen' => 17,         'eighteen'  => 18,         'nineteen'  => 19,         'twenty'    => 20,         'thirty'    => 30,         'forty'    => 40,         'fifty'     => 50,         'sixty'     => 60,         'seventy'   => 70,         'eighty'    => 80,         'ninety'    => 90,         );      public $powers = array(         'thousand' => 1000,         'million'  => 1000000,         'billion'  => 1000000000,     );      public function __construct() {     }      public function parse($string) {         $string = $this->prepare($string);         $parts = preg_split('#\s+#', $string, -1, preg_split_no_empty);         $buffer = 0;         $lastpower = 1;         $powers = array(             1 => 0,         );         $isnegative = false;         foreach ($parts $part) {             if (isset($this->negatives[$part])) {                 $isnegative = true;             } elseif (isset($this->numbers[$part])) {                 $buffer += $this->numbers[$part];             } elseif (isset($this->modifiers[$part])) {                 $buffer *= $this->modifiers[$part];             } elseif (isset($this->powers[$part])) {                 if ($buffer == 0) {                     //modify last power                     $buffer = $powers[$lastpower];                     unset($powers[$lastpower]);                     $power = $lastpower * $this->powers[$part];                     $powers[$power] = $buffer;                     $lastpower = $power;                     $buffer = 0;                 } else {                     $powers[$this->powers[$part]] = $buffer;                     $buffer = 0;                     $lastpower = $this->powers[$part];                 }             } else {                 throw new logicexception('unknown token found: '.$part);             }         }         if (!empty($buffer)) {             $powers[1] = $buffer;         }         $total = 0;         foreach ($powers $power => $sub) {             $total += $power * $sub;         }         if ($isnegative) {             $total *= -1;         }         return $total;     }      protected function prepare($string) {         $string = preg_replace('#(\s+|-|\band\b)#i', ' ', $string);         $string = mb_convert_case($string, mb_case_lower);         return $string;     }  } 

and test:

$parser = new wordtonumber();  $strings = array(     'one hundred , fifty two',     'fifteen',     'one thousand million',     'four hundred thousand 5 hundred fourty three',     'fifteen hundred',     'one thousand twelve hundred',     'negative two',     'minus 3 hundred , fifty 7 thousand 4 hundred , two', );  foreach ($strings $str) {     echo $parser->parse($str).' - '.$str."\n"; } 

and results:

152 - 1 hundred , fifty 2 15 - fifteen 1000000000 - 1 thousand million 400543 - 4 hundred thousand 5 hundred fourty 3 1500 - fifteen hundred 2200 - 1 thousand twelve hundred -2 - negative 2 -357402 - minus 3 hundred , fifty 7 thousand 4 hundred , 2 

it doesn't support huge numbers (hence why billion largest power), should trivially modified support them using bcmath extension... if want, modify work numbers high want.


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