Difficult with AutoPlay and AutoRun in Windows -

i feel pretty dumb @ moment, several days now, have been confounded autoplay , autorun features of windows. in essence, have developed software deployed via optical media (e.g., cd-rom, dvd-rom). in perfect world, our client wants user able pop in cd , off races.

we have explained them actual autorun , autoplay features of windows subject individual user's settings on or computer. said, on own machine, have been unable detect , use "autorun.inf" file.

the software installed using .msi file launched vbscript. because .vbs file not directly executable, wrote simple bootstrapper executable called setup.exe. here simple "autorun.inf" file:

[autorun] open=setup.exe 

that's it. no big deal. if manually double-click setup.exe, proceeds expected. however, if copy of necessary setup files disc (real or virtual drive) , insert media, not have option in autoplay "install or run program..."

i have tried tweaking system autoplay settings install, , "ask me every time." not sure whether windows not recognizing disc "software , games" disc, or if ignoring autorun.inf file.

in event, no matter try, whenever test out, "general options" section of autoplay choice of "open folder view files."

any @ appreciated!

try this:

[autorun] open=command /c start setup.exe 


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