c# - Jquery Message Box After Postback -

i want use this plugin in asp.net application

i want show alert or etc after postback. wrote code not work.

string = null; = "csscody.alert('<h1>information alert</h1><em>low     level</em><br/><p>© rights reserved 2006-2010.  </p><p> jquery examples site  <a href=\\'http://www.csscody.com/\\'>www.csscody.com</a> </p>');return false;";  scriptmanager.registerstartupscript(page, gettype(), "script", a, true); 

this code works client side :

<p>         <strong>1.)</strong> <a href="http://www.csscody.com/#" onclick="csscody.alert(&#39;&lt;h1&gt;information alert&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;em&gt;low level&lt;/em&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;&copy; rights reserved 2006-2010. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; jquery examples site  &lt;a href=\&#39;http://www.csscody.com/\&#39;&gt;www.csscody.com&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/p&gt;&#39;);return false;">             info message popup alert</a></p>     <p> 


try in c# code

clientscript.registerclientscriptblock(typeof(page), "yourkey", "$().ready(function () { csscody.alert('hello')});", true);


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