sql - MYSQL/PHP: How do you Order By Starting point in a string? -

 select       sql_calc_found_rows posts.*,       case         when postmeta.meta_value regexp '$regex'           1           else 0         end keyword_in_title,        match ( posts.post_content )         against ( '".addslashes( $s )."' ) mysql_score           $wpdb->posts posts,       $wpdb->postmeta postmeta           posts.post_date_gmt <= now()       , postmeta.post_id = posts.id       , postmeta.meta_key='_headspace_page_title'       , posts.post_password = ''       , posts.post_status = 'publish'       , posts.post_type != 'attachment'       , ( postmeta.meta_value regexp '$regex'         or posts.post_content regexp '$regex')     group       posts.id     order       charindex($s, 'keyword_in_title') desc     limit        $offset,        $limit 

as order issue (apart escaping issue @gumbo pointed out in comment), charindex not valid mysql string function. locate function looks identical (at least cursory glance between docs on sqlserver , mysql)...

$s = mysql_real_escape_string($s); $order = 'order locate(\''.$s.'\', `keyword_in_title`) desc'; 


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