Drupal: How to automatically send (cck) node content + file attachment via email -

i still quite new drupal , have limited programming skills.

i trying build job board site using cck + views. have created 2 related content types: "job post" , "job application" - both related using nodereference field.

the job application node has 4 fields: id of job post person applying, email of applicant, cover letter (body field) , attached cv (cck field allows users attach/upload document).

question: once job application created content of node (including attached file) automatically sent via email person posted job (destination email address in cck field in related "job post" node).

thus requirements are: (1) automtically "transfer" destination email address "job post" content type "job application" content type; , (2) automatically send "job application" node contents + file attachment destination email.

is there module can me achieve this?

thank support.

my email address is: wedge.paul@gmail.com

to give straight: no, there no module this. largely because have made content types , pretty unique project.

still, may not have limited programming skill, advice learning when working drupal. asking not hard create writing custom module. writing custom module not hard, , starting write custom module in drupal documented.

i can tell use in custom module, better if create (for future projects).

so create custom module:

function mymod_nodeapi{ //here action happens when node created   switch ($op) {     //if node inserted in database     case 'insert':       //if node job application       if($node->type = "jobapplication"){           //using node_load function, can load other nodes in variable           $relatednode = node_load($node->nodereference);            //using drupal_mail function, can mail people           drupal_mail();       }       break;       } } 

this code has not been tested , can't copy pasted. node_load , drupal_mail hook_nodeapi... use functions , you'll there.


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