security - How can windows users who only log in through a browser change their password? -

i helping run reporting services installation protected , gains permission structure windows usernames , passwords. our password policy dictates passwords change once month. 3 of 5 users of installation log in report manager site windows logins using browsers.

at present every month have remote desktop box , change passwords administrator's account , tell users new passwords myself. inevitably end writing new passwords down , far ideal scenario.

microsoft claim "change password" dialog should able change windows login windows box can reached. problem have these boxes can reached remote desktop or via internet. have tried entering report server url domain , external ip of serving box domain password dialog not recognise these valid domains.

is there way can provide users method changing password via local windows boxes?

assuming website hosted on server users log into, run net user {usernamehere} {password} replace password.

you on network more complicated.


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