grails - Integration Test for Controller -

controller action:

def deletedept = {          def departmentinstance = department.findbyname(          if (!departmentinstance) {             println "no dept instance"             throw new org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.newinstancecreationexception ("could not create deptinstance ${}")         } else if (departmentinstance.paysvcs && !departmentinstance.paysvcs.isempty()){             println "instance paysvcs"             // !!!! not delete department if has payment services !!!!             departmentinstance.errors.reject('') //            render(view: "editdept", model: [departmentinstance: departmentinstance])             redirect(action: "editdept", id:         } else{             println "proceed delete"             try {                 departmentinstance.delete(flush: true)                 flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'department'),])}"                 redirect(action: "appadmin", id:             }             catch (org.springframework.dao.dataintegrityviolationexception e) {                 println "something went wrong"                 flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'department'),])}"                 redirect(action: "editdept", id:             }         }     } 

integration test:

        def appadmincontroller controller = new appadmincontroller()        // create controller         controller.metaclass.message = { map p -> return "foo" }            // message dummy returning garbage - work around controller message exception         controller.params.department = [name:"dept1", phone:"817-273-3260", g_password:"password", street:"main st.", g_userid:"user", unitcode:"1234567", email:"", zip:"75097", fax:"817-273-2222"]         def dept2 = new department (name: "dept2", unitcode: "1234568", street: "main st.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "", g_userid: "user", g_password: "password")         def dept1 = new department (name: "dept1", unitcode: "1234568", street: "main st.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "", g_userid: "user", g_password: "password")         def math = new paysvc()         def = new paysvc()         dept.paysvcs = []         dept.paysvcs.add(math)         dept.paysvcs.add(another)         mockdomain(department, [dept1, dept2])          def svctest = department.findbyname("dept1")         assertnotnull svctest                                           // record dept1 exists         assertequals 2, svctest.paysvcs.size()                          // 2 paysvcs total          controller.deletedept()                                         // calling action          svctest = null         svctest = department.findbyname("dept1")         assertnotnull svctest                                           // record dept1 still exists, not deleted         // can't test render, controller.response.contentasstring null         // testing @ ui ok  //       assertequals "editdept", controller.response.contentasstring    // action should render "editdept"         assertequals "editdept", controller.redirectargs.action 


render(view: "editdept", model: [departmentinstance: departmentinstance])  

works when testing manually @ ui. in integration test controller.response null when using render, returns expected redirectarg when using redirect. ideas why?

may far late may else: render, need use modelandview object on controller, such following example:

assertequals controller.modelandview.model.departmentinstance, departmentinstance

assertequals controller.modelandview.viewname, "/test/editdept"

good luck !


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