cocoa touch - Using gradient background in UITableViewCell -

possible duplicate:
uitableviewcell custom gradient background, gradient highlight color

hey trying use gradient background of tableview cell , have tried using code:

        uiview *view = [[[uiview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, 100)] autorelease];             cagradientlayer *gradient = [cagradientlayer layer];             gradient.frame = view.bounds;             gradient.colors = [nsarray arraywithobjects:(id)[[uicolor blackcolor] cgcolor], (id)[[uicolor whitecolor] cgcolor], nil];             [view.layer insertsublayer:gradient atindex:0];             [cell setbackgroundview:view]; 

any idea why isn't working correctly?

don't add view directly cell, add cell's contentview. ensure when orientations occur, resizing occurs expected , not screwed way. ensure that, in other cases may have other view (such scrollview) embedded in view, scroll fluidly, etc. things work expected when placed they're...expecting.


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