OWL's EquivalentClass vs. SubClassOf -

what difference between equivalentclass , subclass of? while reading through owl primer, find tutorial uses subclassof lot declare new class, follows

subclassof(   :teenager   datasomevaluesfrom( :hasage     datatyperestriction( xsd:integer       xsd:minexclusive "12"^^xsd:integer       xsd:maxinclusive "19"^^xsd:integer     )   ) ) 

can write

equivalentclass(   :teenager   datasomevaluesfrom( :hasage     datatyperestriction( xsd:integer       xsd:minexclusive "12"^^xsd:integer       xsd:maxinclusive "19"^^xsd:integer     )   ) ) 


when stating a subclass of b, restricts a inherit characteristics of b, but not other way around. in example, a = teenager, , b = hasage [12:19] (my own notation, idea).

this means instance of teenager in owl ontology must have property hasage value in range [12:19], not other way around. specifically, not mean instance of property hasage value in range [12:19] instance of teenager. make clear, consider instance (called c) of class car. might that:

c . hasage 13

this says instance c of car 13 years old. however, subclass axiom defining teenager above, reasoner not infer c instance of teenager (perhaps we'd want, if teenagers people, not cars).

the difference when using equivalence subclass relationship implied go in both directions. so, if instead include second axiom defined teenager equivalent property hasage value in range [12:19], reasoner infer car c instance of teenager.


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