android - Trying to use Ortho for drawing 2D -

i'm having trouble setting ortho view drawing 2d ontop of 3d scene.

i set view this:

public void onsurfacechanged( gl10 gl, int width, int height ) {     gl.glviewport( 0, 0, width, height );     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_projection );     gl.glloadidentity();     glu.gluperspective( gl, 45.0f, ( ( float )width / ( float )height ), 0.1f, 100.0f );     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_modelview );     gl.glloadidentity(); } 

and set ortho view this:

public void onsurfaceortho( gl10 gl ) {     gl.glorthof( 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f, 0.1f );     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_projection );     gl.glloadidentity(); } 

then draw frame this:

public void ondrawframe( gl10 gl ) {     gl.glclear( gl10.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl10.gl_depth_buffer_bit );     gl.glloadidentity();     scene.ondrawframe( gl );     gl.glpushmatrix();     onsurfaceortho( gl );     screen.ondrawframe( gl );     gl.glpopmatrix(); } 

the scene , screen objects drawing objects 3d , 2d. screen object doesn't draw yet i'm starting 2d ortho views. scene objects draw cube. works ok until add new code 2d ortho drawing - glpushmatrix() glpopmatrix(). don't see clear color.

so code in function onsurfaceortho() clears screen?

i expect has been drawn view before call set ortho view, left alone. don't call explicit clear bits, still seems clears view - , code in onsurfaceortho() function.

how can set 2d ortho view correctly can draw 2d ontop of 3d view?

so figured out little martinho fernandes.

i set 2 functions:

public void onsurfaceortho( gl10 gl ) {     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_projection );     gl.glloadidentity();     gl.glorthof( 0.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, -0.1f, 0.1f );     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_modelview );     gl.glloadidentity(); }  public void onsurfaceperspective( gl10 gl ) {     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_projection );     gl.glloadidentity();     glu.gluperspective( gl, 45.0f, aspect, 0.1f, 100.0f );     gl.glmatrixmode( gl10.gl_modelview );     gl.glloadidentity(); } 

then when frame draw:

public void ondrawframe( gl10 gl ) {     gl.glclear( gl10.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl10.gl_depth_buffer_bit );     gl.glloadidentity();     onsurfaceperspective( gl );     scene.ondrawframe( gl );     onsurfaceortho( gl );     screen.ondrawframe( gl ); } 

so each frame have call function setting perspective before drawing 3d, , call function ortho before drawing 2d.

i'm not sure if have performance issues, or if there can it. know "full" opengl have lists can bit here...


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